5 Safety Tips for Halloween
Halloween is an exciting time for many children and adults alike. Costumes, decorations, parties all add to the excitement. Safety also needs to be high on the list of priorities. So here is a list of 5 safety tips for Halloween!
The following tips will help to keep children safe on this often hyped up, over stimulated evening of too much fun and too much candy!
1. Dress Appropriately:
~ Little ones need to have reflective clothing on even if just reflective tape that can be added to their back or on their shoes. Other reflective devices such as flashlights, glow sticks, flashing Halloween treat container or similar products will make the person more noticeable in the dark.
~ Masks are great but make sure your child can see where they are going. Falls are the number one reason Halloween treating comes to an end.
2. Trick or Treat in a group:
~ Never trick or treat alone. You should always have a buddy or older sibling with you. This applies to teens as well. Safety can be found in numbers.
3. Stay Outside:
~ Always stay outside when trick or treating. Do not go inside a stranger’s home while they get your candy.
4. Wait to eat:
~ Do not eat anything before inspecting the packaging (or have an adult check it for you).
5. Plan Your Route:
~ Think about the route you want to take before starting out. Preferably plan your route in a circle so you will return home when finished.
~ Always make sure someone knows where you are going to trick or treat and your route.
~ Older children and teens need a time to return or check in with an adult.
While many will debate the pros and cons of Trick or Treating, one thing is sure… the kids enjoy the time with each other and the family.
Stay Safe and don’t forget your pets!
I’m glad to see the safety rules in such a concise manner. The one I wasn’t familiar with is planning the trick and treating route. I like the note about protecting our pets. Have fun, be safe, and Happy Halloween!
We plan our route so the kids know where to start and where to stop. Also, if they get separated, they have check points along the way.
Thank you for sharing your safety tips, these are so important!
Great tips, I always took a flashlight with us some of the stairs were dark.
I love your tips, It can be a bit overwhelming taking 5 kids by myself these are great for me to remember before we go.
I loved the tips – all very true and necessary to follow to insure the kids safety.
This is an awesome idea for all the parents taking their kids out for the first time.Bless you!
Awesome tips. I like to buy a few glow sticks from the dollar store for the kids to wear and they know to wait until we get home to get into the candy.
I dont celebrate Halloween any more bause too many bad things seem to happen on this day, but these tips are very good for those who do and their kids.
Great tips, thanks for the post
I loved your tips.. This will be the first year my kids go out alone.. The tips were very helpful..I even made my kids read them.. Thank u.
This will be the first Halloween my daughter will go out thank you for the tips!
You covered all the basis. Another tip for people staying home to hand out candy–don’t open the door for late trick or treaters. Thanks for sharing!
This is soo important in this day and age..We want the kids to be safe and ahappy!!!
Great tips!!!
Love the pictures!! And the dog of course.
Thanks for sharing the tips about staying safe for Halloween!
I know I like to take the kids when I have other adults to walk/talk with, just like the kids want to go with their friends or siblings.
I agree with your tips completely. ALL are very helpful and important. 🙂 Adorable pics too, by the way. Can’t wait to see my 6 yr old in her costume this year. Should be fun!
Great solid tips that everyone should abide by. Love the pictures too. Beautiful family.
Some great safety tips! I love those pictures too! SO cute!
Love the tips. Brody is too young to be out of my sight!! I’m going to share this with my FB fans. Thanks!!
Very very very good advice!!! No one should approach anyone or place by themselves-Halloween or not!! The buddy system is tried and true.