Top 10 Android Apps
March 02, 2014
This list is subject to change sounds funny at this point…
The top 10 android app list hasn’t changed much since the first two were released. If you are not a fan of either of them, leave me a comment on what apps you do play most often… Maybe we should have a SimplySherryl top 10 app list!
Seriously, enjoy the list and make sure to check the pricing before checking out. They haven’t changed lately but are subject to at any given moment.
Minecraft – Pocket Edition priced at: $6.99
Plants vs. Zombies (Kindle Tablet Edition) priced at: $0.99
Survivalcraft priced at: $3.99
Block City Wars – Multiplayer FPS Shooter in minecraft style priced at: $0.99
Scribblenauts Remix priced at: $0.99
Plague Inc. priced at: $0.99
Terraria priced at: $4.99
The Room (Kindle Tablet Edition) priced at: $0.99
The Room Two (Kindle Tablet Edition) priced at: $2.99
Flippy Fish priced at: $0.99
Happy gaming!
Hi Sherryl, I made Flippy Fish and am glad to see you have it featured here. Thank you very much. I managed to reach number 2 over the weekend. Woohoo.