Americans’ Top New Year’s Resolutions For 2017
Do you start each new year off with a list of hopes and plans? Are you able to keep these throughout the year? Most people do not follow through with their resolutions. I know I have made some over the years and look around to see that I have stopped long before the change would have become a habit.
This year my resolutions are not as lofty. Maybe I will be able to stay on track in 2017.
For my business, my resolutions are to work less by delegating more. I also want to increase my speaking engagements and travel opportunities. In order to do this, I have to free up time by delegating some of the daily work, especially the social media interactions.
My personal resolutions are to reduce the amount of stuff we have in our home as we are considering down sizing in the next couple of years. Right now, I need a larger home for all the stuff..not a smaller one! I hired help to start this week. I hope this person will be able to help me get through all the stuff and the goal is a 50% reduction. Wish me luck!
Statista shared this info-graphic about resolutions for 2017:
According to a recent survey by the Marist Poll, “being a better person” is going to be the top New Year’s resolution among Americans this year with 16 percent. “Losing weight” and “exercising more” are tied for second with 10 percent each. A classic, “giving up smoking”, appears further down the list with 6 percent.
You can find other interesting statistics at Statista. I was surprised at the top item on the list of resolutions. “Be a better person” seems so broad a goal. But look at how low “Increase Family Time” is on the list! Wow.. but with the way things are in the world right now; I probably shouldn’t be surprised at all.
How about you? What are your resolutions for 2017? How will you achieve them?
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