Behind Every Fairy Tale Wedding
Is a Fairy Godmother!
What about your wedding? Did you plan it yourself or have a wedding planner? Would you do it over again (I don’t mean get married… just the whole process of getting it done!)
Infographic Provided by EquipSupply
Disclaimer: This information was received from Equip Supply. There was no compensation.
Anna Memphis says
I’m in academia, so I’m probably going to be waiting a few years before I get married. It boggles my mind that people spend as much money on a wedding as I do on my degree!!
It’s a lot of fun to watch shows like Four Weddings on TLC, but sometimes I get nauseous at the thought of blowing $75k on a wedding. I’ll live vicariously, but when it comes to opening my purse — nope, we’ll thrift it!
Tara L says
My wedding wasn’t fairytale, but it was great & fun with family & friends. It would of been nice to have a fairytale wedding but not all of us are rich lol..
lisa says
Well, we got married in a courthouse in front of inmates waiting to go in front of the judge.
Maria Iemma says
Your information is surprising…We paid $6,000 for our wedding and we thought it was a lot of money. I do not know how young people can afford that prize tag.
Cami says
my mother in law is my fairy god mother lol. we decided to get married in 2 weeks and my mother in law planned everything and the family paid for it!!! i am so lucky i know
Jayne Townsley says
$24,000? Wow. At first I was going to say that’s insane, but instead remembered that I would gladly and quickly spend that much on a vacation.
RANA says
good infographic
it is do helpfull