Sad but true…I have so much fun coupon shopping. It started as a way to stretch the budget, then it grew into stockpiling for leaner times. While I do not consider myself a prepper yet, I think I could quickly become one. LOL I base my purchases on the standard 12 week sale cycle. Each week I have 6 papers delivered on Sunday morning (99 each).
Tonight was a good trip. I am happy when I average 70% overall savings, including items that I do not have coupons. I don’t purchase things just to purchase them. I don’t go buy 200 mustards because they are free and I can locate the coupons. I will pick up 5 or 6 of things that are free if I can give them away to a food pantry or a friend.
My daughter Meagan shopped with me tonight. She is an excellent shopper! We broke our entire order into four smaller, easier to manage lists.
Order | Retail | Saving | Out of Pocket |
#1 | $100.59 | $97.24 | $3.35 |
#2 | $196.78 | $152.62 | $44.16 |
#3 | $136.47 | $135.44 | $1.03 |
#4 | $84.72 | $34.06 | $50.66 |
$518.56 | $419.36 | $99.20 |
Order #4 was the last list of little items that were on sale but did not have coupons.
My system is pretty simple. I have used the massive binder with the baseball card dividers for a long time. Just recently I was behind in my filing of coupons and decided to try the folder method. Personally, I think I save more with the binder method but it does take more time to maintain. The folder method is easier to get the list and coupons together, but I always miss extras at the store because my coupons are at home!
Today it took 2 hours to get my lists made, coupons pulled and cut, and everything sorted by orders. Sorting into smaller orders also helps because Kroger has a limit on the number of like coupons you can use, digital coupons do not double and if you use a digital coupon and a paper coupon..the paper coupon will not double either. This is part of the reason I break down my orders into smaller ones.
Lately I have only shopped at Kroger. No reason other than being lazy and limited on time. I like to shop at no more than 2 stores as the sale trend is pretty consistent. Things on sale this week at Kroger will be on sale next week at Walgreen’s, and the following week at CVS or Walmart.
The four orders took about 2 hours at the store from pulling in to leaving. This included the shopping, checking out and loading the vehicle. I think Meagan and I did well! Once home, it was almost an hour unloading, sorting, labeling with dates and putting in basement or freezer. Items in basement pantry will be placed on shelves or in tubs tomorrow. That job belongs with Rebekah. She maintains the pantry for us.
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