Dating in Black & White: Keeping Relationships on Target
Should Christians date? Is dating scriptural? There have been a good number of books written on dating from the worldly point of view, but only a few based on what the scriptures have to say about it.
This book, Dating in Black and White discusses what the scriptures have to say about dating. Well, not just dating but how the directions for living a Godly life can be applied to dating.
Years ago, women didn’t really have much to say about their spouse. And while it is still true in a few countries, most of the world does not live under the rule of the parent selecting the spouse for their children. And as a parent, I want my children to marry someone that will be there for them always. It’s hard as a parent to watch your young adult head down a path that you KNOW is only going to lead to heartache.
Oh, did I ever tell you that we picked the spouse for one of our girls? Well, not like my husband saying…”this is your husband”! For one daughter, I met a man in a class that I was in. Over the course of the class, he demonstrated his integrity, humor, and how precious he thought life was in general. I approached him and told him that I thought he should meet my daughter. I then came home and told her all about him. They met and have been married for 10 years and have an eight year old!
Anyway, back to this book. The couple that wrote the book together used their past mistakes as a springboard for their new relationship. One based on scriptural rules and guidelines.
One of my favorite sections covers something that we go over with our children as they start to mature into adults. As in the book, we have ours make a list of the things they want in their spouse. We also have them make a list of deal breakers. This list changes over the years as the young person matures but it is always nice to have to refer back to when any trouble comes up in their dating relationships.
It is an interesting book. It does discuss several subjects quite frankly which I think is something that every couple should go through. Keeping God first in your relationship is the best way to ensure that you will develop a God centered and a scriptural founded marriage.
In a world where dating comes with many different emotions, methods, and opinions, it also comes with choices, decisions, and goals, which are all under your control. Social media and television have turned dating into a highly sexualized and overly complicated activity—a game of numbers.
But it doesn’t have to be. When Adonis and Heather Lenzy met, they had no idea their journey would later serve as a road map for others. Adonis is a pastor and speaker, and Heather is a forensic scientist. Their lives, although polar opposite, shared similarities of relational mistakes and failures.
Both wanting something different this time, they sought guidance. Through their dating process, they were able to establish values, principles, and practical tips that today have produced a happy, healthy marriage, such as:
— Sexual purity: You don’t have to sleep together in order to be together.
—Accountability: Who’s got your back?
—Expectations: What do you really want?
—Communication: Talking through the good, the bad, and the ugly.
—Having Fun: Dating should be fun! It’s all up to you.Their moral and biblical approach, mixed with practical steps, will create a different and refreshing view of your dating potential. No matter your past experiences or mistakes, it’s still possible to have a successful dating relationship today.
Dating in Black & White: Keeping Relationships on Target is available on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback formats.
Don’t have a Kindle? Grab one for yourself. They are so nice to use for reading. I love my Kindle Fire and my little one uses the e-Reader version (just for reading without the added games and internet options).
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