Don’t Be Complacent or Compromised
Zephaniah 1:12-13 “At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps and punish those who are complacent, who are like wine left on its dregs, who think, ‘The Lord will do nothing, either good or bad.’ Their wealth will be plundered, their houses demolished. They will build houses but not live in them; they will plant vineyards but not drink the wine.” (NIV)
The greatest danger in the Church of Christ is not the sinner nor is it the man or woman who in their zeal may go too far or say too much or offend too many. The greatest dangers in the modern church are those that simply don’t care about the Lord, his Church, and the people of God. Not caring or having no passion or energy for the things of God is rooted in our self-sufficiency based on an attitude of pride and arrogance that stunts our spiritual growth in Christ. It is a common trap sprung by the evil one on us because the devil knows that if he can achieve a spirit of complacency and compromise in our lives then he need not concern himself with us because we have nothing of God to offer others seeking spiritual healing in this world. This same attitude existed at the time of Zephaniah and he tells us what the Lord will do about it in our lives and what the long term life impacts are on those who lack passion for the things of God.
Zephaniah says that men who are compromised with the world and complacent in the kingdom are like “wine left on its dregs” a metaphor for a lack of energy and motion in the pursuit of doing anything worthwhile for the Lord. Why should this attitude exist among God’s people? The answer is given to us that people who allow themselves to become complacent and compromised by the world system really don’t think God is relevant or active in their lives. In short they don’t think God is real or helpful to them. That’s the belief and attitude that fuels the spirit of so many who compromise, grow cold, and drop out of a relationship with the Lord. Please notice those who have no desire for Christ or his Church, and be assured that God knows who they are and he will shine his lamp on them.
Not one of us wants to be in that group! Compromise with the world system is a dangerous and deadly exercise for those who quit on God. The outcome in our lives is to forfeit the blessings of God. Not only will we jeopardize what we already have, but God will allow us to experience futility in our lives as we never benefit from the work that we do or the plans that we make as “houses are built but not lived in, and vineyards are planted but no wine is drunk.”
My friends this is what happens when God blesses us again and again and we continually choose rebellion, and only then our God allows us to suffer “leanness of soul”. (Psalm 106:15 KJV)
Article source Mike White @ Summit church of Christ
I agree. I think part of the problem is that a lot of the population has gotten so far away from God, Christianity, and doing for our fellow man. The motto now seems to be “What’s In It for Me?” or “I don’t want to do that” because there is no instant gratification. Thank you for sharing “Don’t Be Complacent or Compromised.”