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This is a brief listing of some of the options from their site:
The Easier, Faster & Smarter Way to Kindle! eReaderIQ provides Amazon Kindle price drop alerts, watches your favorite titles to let you know when they are available for Kindle, and gives you a regularly updated list of all non-public domain freebies on We also offer a superior search engine which not only lets you search the Kindle store by genre and keyword, but also lets you define the price range, reader age, language and more!
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If you are looking for books for your Kindle, check out this site. I have found a ton of older classic books that we use in our schooling. By linking all of our Kindles on the same Amazon account, we can each have a copy of the ebook. This is great when they are free ebooks…. fantastic when they are paid ebooks! Only having to purchase one copy of a book thrills me to death.
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