Family Activities You Can Do This Summer
Have you started planning your Summer activities? Spring break is here in two weeks and then the children will be counting down the days until Summer. Depending on your schedule, the end of the school year might have you looking for family activities you can do with your children.
Even if your family cannot take an extended trip together, there are still many activities you can enjoy. Here are just a few of the family activities that we like to schedule any time the weather allows us to be outside. Consider discussing these ideas when your family starts making plans for your summer break.
Enjoy the Beautiful Outdoors
Summer means warmer weather. Warmer weather means outdoors activities. Consider planning picnics in the park. Head as a family to the local swimming pool. Take a hike or ride a bike. The idea is that the weather will make you want to get outside and get active. We love to visit a different park each week with other moms in our neighborhood. Just a quick Google search will quickly provide weeks of unique park visits in your area.
Participate in Summer Camps and Fairs
Many communities have creative opportunities, many of which are free or low cost. Summer art in the park, or arts camps and arts fairs are common activities families can enjoy. You may also be able to find summer theater or concert series that will give your family something to share and an opportunity to be creative at the same time. One of the parks in our area offers a movie each week. Everyone brings their chairs, lawn blankets
, and coolers
. It is a lot of fun and we always get to meet new people from the community.
Plan and Plant a Summer Garden
Think of the joy on your child’s face when they eat the first ripe tomato from your own garden! Of course, there is plenty of hard work to keep families busy leading up to harvest, but keeping a family garden is a great summer activity for the family to share. If you have a bumper crop, you may even want to consider selling your produce at a road-side booth or stall at the local farmer’s market. This would be a great learning experience for one and all.
Host a Read Aloud Story Night
Plan a family read-aloud story night once the sun goes down. Invite extended family members and friends over to join you. You can even have the adults read a story and let the children act them out. This could become one of the activities they remember most from the summer.
Schedule a Weekly Family Game Challenge
Set up a picnic table and chairs underneath a big shade tree or umbrella. Put together a basket of board games the family would like to learn or has enjoyed in the past. Take the games outside and enjoy the fresh air while you play Monopoly or Candyland.
Host a Family Water War
Plan to have a water balloon war. You could also buy water guns for everyone in the family and see who can stay dry the longest. Not only will this get the family involved in an activity together, it will keep them active and hopefully cool them off at the same time.
Watch a New or Favorite Movie Under the Stars
Hang a sheet off the deck or set up a projection screen and invite the neighborhood over for a movie under the stars. Projection unit
prices have dropped to an all time low making them affordable for most families. Pop some popcorn and toss your favorites beverages on ice.
Bring Camping to Your Back Yard
Your family may enjoy camping out but circumstances simply forbid you from taking a camping trip. Don’t let circumstances stop you! Pitch your tent in the backyard and enjoy the same fun just a little closer to home.
Do Something Nice for Someone Else
Plan a “good Samaritan” act or an opportunity to volunteer each month. Think of a family that has fallen on hard times or a charity that could use some help. Do random acts of kindness for people in your neighborhood – weed an elderly neighbor’s flower garden, mow a single mom’s lawn, gather canned goods from your neighbors and take them to the local battered women’s shelter or food bank. There are so many good things your family could do if you just put your minds to it.
These are just a few ideas of things your family can do together during the summer. Take some time to sit down together and talk about the fun things you would like to do. Obviously, everyone will want to do their “own thing” as much as possible during the summer, but think of the benefit of spending time together as a family. Children grow up so fast, make this summer a summer of family memories that will last a lifetime.
I took the grandchildren out for a day in the sun for reading and we also meditated for a bit, they loved it.
Great ideas for summer vacations for children and parents. Thank you for sharing it.
Great list. We love camping in the back yard!
Summer fairs are always on my list of family activities and free days at the museums.
Thank you for sharing. Looks like a lot of fun things to do.
I like this activity list. We like to take our kids to the local National Park. The kids love walking in the woods, we live in the cities.
Great activities to keep them outside and active
I agree that being outdoors is great! It helps to ward off depression and helps you feel emotionally well overall
Diana C
Great ideas for family outings
Play with your kids. I spent hours playing with mine. They are grown now. We are very close to this day.
We used to do a lot of family things together and we still get together and try to do some things it’s just not as easy since the kids are grown.
The backyard camping idea is great.
A lot of family fun ideas
Thanks for the info it was helpful
A lot of great ideas to keep them from the keyboard and getting bored
very good
Great list of activities! We love our water balloon fights and hikes!
My son loves fishing he now likes for him and his dad to go out and look for night crawlers
These are all wonderful family activities. We already have a family game night and it really helps us bond and reconnect.
We love all things outdoors!!! Thanks for the great ideas!
Looking foraward summer get here I go Beach swimming
Gotta love camping and to see the beach. Yay!
These are some great Summer activities for the family. I am always looking for new things to do!
These ideas make me excited for warmer weather! Last summer we found a local park that plays big band music on Saturdays it was so fun to dance with the kids.
Great ideas for family time and everyone has a great time
School gets out in 8 weeks, and I am starting to plan for summer activities. This is a great list. We do a lot of these things. Watching a movie under the stars will be something new and is a great idea.
I live down South, and in the summer, it gets SO hot, it’s almost unbearable! There’s not much to do outside because of the heat, but fortunately we live by a big river. We do have picnics and barbecues all summer long down by the river. It’s so much fun! And we don’t even have a boat! This summer, I plan on getting the biggest float I can find, and drifting in the river all day long! I might blind people I’m so pale, but hopefully, I’ll remedy that soon enough!
I didn’t think about a Read A Loud Story Night but it sounds like something we would love.
These are fantastic ideas, thank you so much for sharing! We can’t wait to go camping as a family this Summer! 🙂 And have plenty of fires in our firepit in the backyard.
It gets so hot in Oklahoma, that our summers are mainly spent hibernating.
I’m so looking forward to the summer fairs with the family!
These are some really great ideas for getting the whole family together and out of the house this Summer.
I can’t wait until summer.I love all of those activities. I hope times goes real slow so I can do them all with the family.
Nice activities 💕
we live outside in warm weather. always doing something