Family Volunteer Day
Throughout the year, we complete several events as a family in order to help others in our community. But on the third Saturday of November, which is also the Saturday before Thanksgiving, families can come together for Family Volunteer Day to kick off the holiday season of giving thanks and giving back to others. Join us and other families on November 18th, 2017, as we work together on various projects across the country to help those in need.
What is Family Volunteer Day?
Family Volunteer Day is a global day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their communities and neighborhoods. Powered by generationOn, the youth division of Points of Light and sponsored by The Walt Disney Company, it’s a great way to be inspired by the power of helping others. It’s an amazing day to bring your family together and make your mark on the world. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! It is sponsored by Disney and generationOn. It provides families with volunteer opportunities to experience the benefits of service to
others.Family Volunteer Day takes place on November 18, 2017
Kick off the holiday season by joining with family to lead or participate in a volunteer project on Saturday, November 18 (the third Saturday of November). You can make a difference with projects for the whole family or find a volunteer project to join in your community. Pledge to participate or share your family volunteer story!
I have taught my kids that we should think about others, especially the less fortunate, through the whole year, not just at the holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that some people do donate food, gifts, or money especially at the holiday season, but what about the rest of the year?
I would say we have a soft spot for children in need, especially when it comes to urban or rural children & families who struggle to make ends meet. Over the years, we’ve done a whole range of service projects from stuffing over 100 backpacks with school supplies, collecting warm clothing items, and even collecting for food pantries or serving meals at local shelters! We’ve also given school supplies to a local restaurant owner who is really involved in his inner-city neighborhood and knows the families that could really use help. I think it’s a great experience for us as a family and of course we are helping our neighbors who need it the most.
This year, we’re doing a warm clothing drive together with members from our church. We have worked to collect items such as jackets, hats, mittens, shoes, and scarves that are dearly needed as the cold weather approaches. We also put together Christmas boxes with a few small toys and games, which are then sorted between age ranges and for a boy or a girl. This usually takes several days to get set up ahead of time, as there is a lot of gathering and sorting that has to take place before we open the doors to the building. First we start with setting up areas to sort the clothes between baby & toddler, boys & girls, and adult men/women. Then within those areas, we sort the clothes between shirts, pants, sweaters, etc. Finally, we hang up the coats or jackets on racks so they can be viewed easier and tried on to see if they fit.
The families that are invited in from the community are also treated with hot coffee or tea, and usually some cookies or donuts that members have brought in to share. This is also a great time to share any extra school supplies or personal hygiene items (typically a large plastic baggie with socks, toothpaste, wipes, etc). Then the families can browse and select items for themselves or their family members whether it just be gloves to keep their hands warm or new shoes or a coat to keep the cold out.
My family also enjoys interacting with the people who come through the door. We laugh because they call my husband a “social butterfly” and he’s never met a stranger. Thankfully, the kids are more like him that even they realize, and are great at putting our visitors at ease and offering to show them around. It’s heartwarming to see shy or nervous families enter our doors but be smiling and feeling loved when they leave.
Do you have an activity that you or your family do every year like so many others through the US? If you’re not sure where to start, or want to team up with others on a bigger project, then try searching the Family Volunteer Day page, families can volunteer through local service projects in their own neighborhoods or find more than 100 DIY projects. For ideas on how you and your family can give back on Family Volunteer day or any time during the year, please visit:
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