Favorite Plugin for Blogging #TrashCanBloggers
This week’s writing prompt is:
What’s your favorite plugin for blogging? You know, the one you can’t do without…
If you are not a blogger or website owner you may be thinking; “What’s a plugin?”
According to Webopedia:
(n.) A hardware or software module that adds a specific feature or service to a larger system. The idea is that the new component simply plugs in to the existing system. For example, there are number of plug-ins for the Netscape Navigator browser that enable it to display different types of audio or video messages. Navigator plug-ins are based on MIME file types.
What this means is that there are add on modules for most software programs, internet browsers and often your Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii
gaming systems. Think of them as upgrades in your everyday life.
For bloggers, there are thousands of plugins available to assist us in automating our sites. Some plugins may allow our readers to leave comments, such as Comment Luv. Others allow multiple users to be on the site and working in different areas, such as plugins that go and find some of the coupon posts you read on this site.
At the moment, I have 52 plugins installed and running on Simply Sherryl. A couple of my favorites are Jetpack – it allows the displays on the side of the posts (called widgets) which link to items you might enjoy using. Yes, most of these are what are called “affiliate links”. When you click on an affiliate link, you are taken to another website to look at a particular item or deal that I think you might be interested in. If you make a purchase while on that website, I may receive payment in some form.
Another favorite plugin for me is Shopper’s Haul Coupon Plugin because this plug provides me with over half the discount and coupon offers that you receive in your email.
Being able to automate some of the daily functions helps bloggers to #1 have a real life away from our computers and #2 allows us to work on new topics for our readers. Plugins make life easier – I would not want to run a business without them.
If you own a blog or website and use plugins, what are your favorites? If you have plugins on your Chrome, Firefox or IE – which ones?
I featured you and your plugin suggestion on Ask This Tech https://askthistech.com/plugins-how-do-you-roll/
Wow.. thanks so much. I will hop over and read it.