I’m Happy for You (Sort Of…Not Really): Finding Contentment in a Culture of Comparison
In this book by Kay Wills Wyma, the subject of being content in and with our circumstances is discussed in relationship to how easily we can find our life lacking when we compare it to others.
I found the book an easy read, but often felt the author was over stating how much women compare their lives to others…to the point of finding themselves lacking or being afraid to have people in their homes.
Yes I know that there are OCD and other medical issues that would present in this manner, but felt the point of the comparison was pushed a little beyond what is common place among women (at least among the ones I know).
In the author’s own words, ‘What if we stop looking at others to envy them, and instead look at them to appreciate them and celebrate their success?’ Okay..good point but not helpful in the real world without real steps to change your thought patterns or to take action to change your circumstance.
Do you find yourself measuring your value against your friend’s house, body, marriage, resume, paycheck, organic garden, or Pinterest-worthy holiday décor, and coming up lacking? Do your college roommate’s Instagram snapshots bear little resemblance to the scene at your house this morning?
Excessive comparison and competition sap our energy and steal our joy. Our friends become our audience and judges, and our kids become part of our brand. Add social media’s constant invitation to post and peruse, and it’s no wonder that we’re left exhausted, discontent, and lonely. Thankfully, there is another way!
With refreshing candor and humor, Kay Wyma shares her experiences with comparison living and offers readers the simple remedies that helped her and her family reboot their perspective and discover freedom, authenticity, and joy.
Perhaps this is something that women struggle with more in private than I am aware. If this is the case, I can imagine how quickly envy and comparing can steal your joy. Scripture tell us we have so much to be thankful for and are blessed through Christ. I do believe that gratitude is a learned response and that we do need to learn to be thankful for what we have be given. This doesn’t mean that we can’t want more..and that desire can be motivation to complete school, ask for that raise or promotion, or make other lifestyle changes. I don’t believe that just because I think someone else has a nicer home, car, body or job makes them better than me.
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Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
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