November BlogHer Writing Challenge Day 6
Monday, November 10 writing prompt:
What knowledge do you have that others don’t?
What knowledge do I have that others do not? Insert blank stare at monitor……
Let me get back to this one…. Calling my girls to ask them…
Ok. Survey says:
Responses from daughters:
You can take any ingredients and make a meal for us. You just seem to know what will work when looking at the pantry.
Response from a close blogger girlfriend:
You always seem to have the answers for my frustrations.
Responses from readers:
I know I will be touched by your Moments in the Faith articles. They are always posted at just the right time.
Your recipes are written in such a way that even I can understand them and I do not consider myself a cook at all!
I love your sense of humor and honesty.
I appreciate the way you review products..good or bad. Your honesty and willingness to step up and explain why you do or don’t like something is refreshing.
Your writing on faith issues is right on point. Keep sharing the gospel!
Well, I don’t know that I have knowledge that others don’t and I am not sure that I would want that responsibility. I am humbled that my readers feel they can trust me and my opinions. Is that a mad skill? If so, I will wear that badge proudly.
I do often struggle with sharing things that are placed on my heart. I have been told more than once that my writing can be too direct if not overly sharp. I have held articles back and asked a couple of older Christian women to look at them before posting. They usually laugh at me and tell me to share what is on my mind, even if it makes me uncomfortable… reminding me that life issues are usually uncomfortable to deal with if we want to stay within the will of God.
So, I will keep on sharing my thoughts and offering my opinions on the things that are placed on my heart or asked by my readers.
Today’s post is Day 6 of a month long group blogger challenge. If you missed any of the previous challenges, you can catch up HERE.
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