November BlogHer Writing Challenge Day 7
Tuesday, November 11 ~ writing prompt:
If you could permanently get rid of one worry, what would it be?
I would quickly spout off “money” of course but if I sit back and think about the question for a little while…
Other things start to step up in my mind. Things like health issues or safety for loved ones. My thoughts turn from the now to the eternity and I would have to answer that question with.. The one worry that I would love to do away with is the concern over if I will be spending eternity with all of my family and close friends.
Sadly, I would also have to admit that if the end came now…I would not be seeing some of the ones that mean a lot to me on the other side.
So, instead of wishing away a worry I need to get myself busy sharing my faith with those that are in my life. Let me ask you a question? Have you been baptized into Christ? Are you walking in the faith and following the scriptures?
If not and if you would like to do a study together, let me know. I would be honored to study with you. For those that answered yes, I challenge you to work towards removing the worry of leaving loved ones behind.
Today’s post is Day 7 of a month long group blogger challenge. If you missed any of the previous challenges, you can catch up HERE.
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