Personalized Biorhythms Chart
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What is a Biorhythm Chart? The word Biorhythm is composed of two Greek terms: “bios” and “rhythmos” which mean “life” and a constant changing “rhythm”.
Biorhythms have been monitored and tracked since Ancient China more than 3000 years ago. The popular book titled, “Book of Changes” was written on the biorhythms and claims to predict the future and gives advice for any occasion.
According to history, studies of biorhythms were first made popular in Berlin during the 19th century. They determined that humans have a “master internal clock” that regulates physical condition, emotions and intellectual cycles.
Based on this cycle, a graphic picture can be made to show someone where they are in their monthly cycle on any given day. Biorhythm charts using a spiral graphic to illustrate how people are influenced by physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles.
Please read the complete review on this giveaway item on my blog, Personalized Biorhythms Chart Review.
Personalized Biorhythms Charts are offered by for $2.00.
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