Review: His Treasure
Wow! This is a wonderful gift sized book with a ton of encouraging and uplifting letters for women. I could not put it down! Each page in His Treasure: Gems of Love from your King by Sheri Shepherd offers a statement of truth, followed by a scripture to back it up and a heartfelt letter, one like you would receive from a loving father.
An example:
Treasure of Truth: Don’t give up your faith because of what you see.
Scripture support: The word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything he does. He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth. Psalm 33:4-5
Letter to us: When we see with our eyes, we are in the physical form but God is in the spiritual realm. How He longs for us to grow so strong in our faith that nothing in this world can shake it.
I was in tears on many of the pages. The Word spoke so clearly through this little book and touched my heart so much that I did not want to stop reading. Now I don’t recommend just sitting down and reading through it cover to cover but I would bet you would also find it hard to put down. Working through a section a day seems like a better pace as it would allow time for you to ponder the truth, scripture and thoughts before jumping into the next section.
The book is broken down into topics which can easily be used for a study guide or springboard for a ladies lesson. I found myself going back to it when I needed to send a thought or support to another sister in Christ.
I would recommend this book to all women. It doesn’t matter the season of life you are in at this moment, you will be touched and will have something at your fingertips to help others by reading this book. It would also make a wonderful addition to any ladies library or study group at your congregation.
Disclaimer: I received this book from Tyndale House Publishers as part of their Blog Network Program.
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