Meal Planning Tips for Saving Money With the cost of everything going up and so many people losing income, the food budget is one area that most look at when they need to save money. Do you know where you fit on the national food budget? … [Read more...]
Alfredo Chicken Lasagna
Alfredo Chicken Lasagna This is a different take on Lasagna. The spinach and chicken offer a unique flavor combination that isn't as heavy as traditional dishes. We like to substitute eggplant in place of the noodles. … [Read more...]
Glazed Chicken
Needing to cook a monster bag of chicken leg quarters that have been in the freezer for weeks got me to thinking about the easiest way to cook t all at once. I didn't want to grill out but I was in the mood for a grilled type of chicken for dinner. So, I tossed a … [Read more...]
Chicken Pot Pie
I enjoy a good pot pie! One with a seasoned crust and lots of veggies simmering in a rich white cream sauce. Yummers any time of the year. … [Read more...]