10-Bags-in-1 Organizer The question of the ages: What are we supposed to do with all the plastic bags that just seem to multiply once you get home from the grocery store? I have two of those handmade sleeves that you stuff from the top and pull from the bottom. They are … [Read more...]
Festive Patio Lights Brighten Up Your Gatherings
Festive Patio Lights Brighten Up Your Gatherings The major holidays may be behind us but that doesn’t mean that our family gatherings and parties are going to slow down anytime soon. With the size of our family, there are reasons to party all year long. … [Read more...]
Multifunction Safety Hammer
MultiFunction Safety Hammer Being prepared for emergency is easier if we plan in advance. And while we can't prepare for everything, there are some situations that we can prepare and train for to make sure our children will know what to do should the unthinkable happen. … [Read more...]
Amazon – Gifts for Men
Amazon - Gifts for Men Here's what a certain someone in my life is getting for Christmas this year! While some of these are "exclusively" for him, he definitely benefits from them. Plus, these are all shipped through Amazon Prime, so free shipping and it's being offered … [Read more...]