Enjoy a Spa Like Shower with Aroma Sense One of the ways that many people, including myself, choose to relax is to take a long, hot shower after a stressful day. It’s a great way to unwind and soothe your aches and pains. What if I told you that your water could do more for your … [Read more...]
7 Strategies to Help You Stop Yelling at Your Children
7 Strategies to Help You Stop Yelling at Your Children Growing up we lived near a family that I thought fought all the time. They were so loud and animated when they got going on a topic. Some times it bothered me and other times I thought they all just liked to yell at … [Read more...]
Perfect Chalkboard Labels by Colore
Perfect Chalkboard Labels by Colore Spring cleaning is long gone at this point in the year but that doesn’t mean that organization is any less important! The best time to get organized is now before the holidays! … [Read more...]
Walgreen Sales Sneak Preview 9/2 to 9/8
Start making your list now for next week at Walgreen's. Here is their sneak preview of sale items. Make sure you change your store choice as sales may be regional. … [Read more...]