Indoor Skateboarding Practice I have to be honest, I never learned how to use a skateboard personally. So when my kids started taking an interest in it, I couldn't really help them. I did recognize the potential for danger and injuries though! So how can I help them learn … [Read more...]
Indoor Carpet Skating at Home
Indoor Carpet Skating at Home Most of us knows the fun you can have with a pair of socks and a freshly mopped wood floor, right? You might miss out on this right of passage if you have mostly carpeted floors, until now. Let me tell you all about indoor carpet skating at … [Read more...]
Keep It Rolling with the PlasmaCar!
Keep It Rolling with the PlasmaCar! Winter is around the corner and for most of us, that means the kids say goodbye to their bikes until spring! But what do we do about all that pent up energy? Well, I send my kids either out to the garage or down to the basement to keep it … [Read more...]