How My Family Saves on Clothes and Jewelry Out of seven children, I have only two teenage girls left living at home. But I found that whether I'm shopping for clothes for when all my kids were still home or just two teenage girls, I had to find ways to save money on those … [Read more...]
5 Mistakes That Can Torpedo Your Finances
5 Mistakes That Can Torpedo Your Finances Financial Professional Suggests Improving Your Money Mastery During Financial Literacy Month April is Financial Literacy Month. We have shared several posts on ways to save money and wanted to share this article from Stephen … [Read more...]
Smart Women Finish Rich {Review}
Smart Women Finish Rich {Review} You don't find too many financial advice books written for women being written by a man. That is part of the reason I was intrigued when I received David Bach's book, Smart Women Finish Rich, to review for my readers. I've never read any … [Read more...]