Visit JJs House for Prom Dresses With Prom season around the corner the excitement and stress level is building at our house! Honestly, it’s been more than a few years since we had teens getting all excited over attending prom. And while it is exciting that our last two … [Read more...]
Prom Dresses by JenJenHouse
Prom Dresses by JenJenHouse Did you know that in the fashion world you are already late if you haven't secured your prom dress by now? What??? As the mom of two girls both looking forward to the Homeschooling Prom this year I was floored. And what shocked me the most, … [Read more...] Prom Dress Review
Prom Dress Review It’s that time again… Weddings, Dances, and other special functions that require that “Oh..This is the one I want dress” that just makes your daughter’s eyes light up. … [Read more...]