<meta property="og:description" content="Welcome to Thirsty for Comments! Get comfy, grab your favorite hot or cold beverage, link up a great post from this week (or even earlier) and visit some other great blogs to comment! Hosted by Acting Balanced, Touristic, Pinkoddy, Miki's Hope, Age is Just a Number, Simply Sherryl, Thoughts 'n Such, and Crazed Mama! Grab our badge for your sidebar or post: <img_proxy_proxy_proxy_proxy_proxy alt='Acting Balanced' src='https://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m259/hloeffler/tc1.jpg' /> What is Thirsty for Comments? This is a blog hop dedicated to encouraging meaningful comments and exchanging ideas. Please, when you visit another site, actually READ the post that is linked">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Welcome to Thirsty for Comments! Get comfy, grab your favorite hot or cold beverage, link up a great post from this week (or even earlier) and visit some other great blogs to comment! Hosted by Acting Balanced, Touristic, Pinkoddy, Miki's Hope, Age is Just a Number, Simply Sherryl, Thoughts 'n Such, and Crazed Mama! Grab our badge for your sidebar or post: <img_proxy_proxy_proxy_proxy_proxy alt='Acting Balanced' src='https://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m259/hloeffler/tc1.jpg' /> What is Thirsty for Comments? This is a blog hop dedicated to encouraging meaningful comments and exchanging ideas. Please, when you visit another site, actually READ the post that is linked">
So glad i found your blog. I also would like to link up my blog for and to your thirsty for comments thing. How does it work ? also do you know of other similar websites/blogs that have linky’s and allow them and blog hops where i can link up and advertise upcoming giveaways i will be having coming up ? can’t think of how you can improve your blog. Love it!
Heidi Walls says
So glad i found your blog. I also would like to link up my blog for and to your thirsty for comments thing. How does it work ? also do you know of other similar websites/blogs that have linky’s and allow them and blog hops where i can link up and advertise upcoming giveaways i will be having coming up ? can’t think of how you can improve your blog. Love it!
admin says
You can link up your site at the bottom of the Thirsty post each Thursday. This is a great way to meet new bloggers!