To Be Like Him We Must Know Him
Tim @ Dooley Noted wrote a thoughtful article on knowing Jesus. Do you know Him? Really know Him?
Tim says: The fact is that many are not growing in the likeness of the Lord nor will they ever be able to because they really do not know Him.
Take a moment to read Tim’s article on DooleyNoted. Tim Dooley is the minster at the Point Pleasant Church of Christ.
natalie andrews says
Everyday I strive to know him more
Meghan says
Also I need to work on forgiving but I am getting better about letting things go instead of letting them get me upset in the long run! God is always relevant in life!
Meghan says
I like to think I know him and I am constantly worried that I don’t know him enough. I am satisfied in that I do try and continue to learn new things like today! I am grateful for the opportunity. I really want to work on how I talk because I get so frustrated at my husband in how he talks to me and all I can do is change me and try to not tolerate disrespectful ness. I get confused on when I need to stand up for myself yet doing it in a loving way. I’m really glad I stopped to read this!