Web Hosting in 2013
Are you looking for Web Hosting or Domain services? Consumer Rankings recently ranked the top 10 web hosting service providers based on pricing, features, bandwidth, storage space, ease of use, and customer support services.
This site is hosted on Blue Host and I would recommend it. The only downside that I have struggled with and am working on resolving is that only one IP address is issued for all the sites hosted under the main domain name. So far this hasn’t been a problem for me, but it is something that I would need to watch should my sites GO WILD (please please)!!
Make sure you read ALL the fine print before signing up with any hosting service.
Like Mandee, I have 2 sites with 2 different hosting services – each time I went with a service that also had a web site builder. Now that I am redoing by Biz Plans for each, I want to see other options, so I’ll add Blue Host to the options.
I have 2 sites and neither of them have the same hosting. I simply went with the best rate at the time, although I sort of wish I would have went with the same place, but I have not had problems with either one.