Decluttering with a Purpose
Free Checklist and Tips for Sharing the Joy
As the holidays grow closer – you are probably already thinking about preparing for decorating the tree, getting the lights up, family dinner, starting your shopping or doing your last-minute shopping. But, if you are anything like me, you are also looking around at all the “stuff” in your house that has accumulated over just the last year – mostly because life is always crazy and there just wasn’t enough time to do anything with it.
While this holiday season is great for a number of reasons – it is also the perfect time to declutter your house, and donate to Goodwill. Why Goodwill? It’s simple. When you take the stuff you’re no longer using to Goodwill – it not only becomes someone else’s treasure, but you are creating opportunities for individuals in your community looking to find a job and build skills, including veterans and military families, single mothers and many others. You probably know someone who has been helped by Goodwill and don’t even realize it.
So – you want to donate but don’t know where to start? Here is a list of areas where you probably have clutter and don’t even realize it!
Donate or recycle books you have already read
I cannot begin to tell you the number of books that pile up in our house. I love them, but once you have read it two or three times, it’s really time to let it go to someone else who would enjoy it. If you are a book hoarder, you should consider just how happy that fresh crisp book could make someone this holiday season.
Donate clothes and accessories you haven’t worn in at least 2 years
You know what I am talking about, don’t pretend like you don’t! Grab a bin and start rummaging through your closet to find those – probably almost new – clothes that you haven’t touched in ages. Give someone else the opportunity to enjoy them the way you did (or thought you would, anyway.)
Donate your electronics
The holiday season is a time when many people are upgrading their electronics. But, there are as many or more who cannot go to the local big box store and buy those things new. They are not only appreciative of the great discount on your gently used items, but you may even be giving someone the tools they need to secure a job.
Donate from your collection of blankets
I have always thought there could never really be too many blankets in the house – but really, how many blankets do you need? If you have a hefty collection of nice warm blankets, consider donating them. There are so many reason why someone might need a warm blanket over the winter.
Donate those toys that never got touched
You know the ones, you bought them thinking your kiddo would just fall in love, when in reality, they weren’t as thrilled as you thought they’d be. That’s okay! There are many kids out there who would be happy to have an almost new toy or stuffed animal this Christmas. So, go ahead, donate them!
Donating items that are in working condition, contain all of their pieces and parts, and are free of stains and rips is the best way to ensure that your goods do the most good.
Once you have your goods ready to go to new homes – you can use the handy locator to find your closest Goodwill store. When you donate to Goodwill, you’ve taken the opportunity to become a job creator and make a significant difference in the lives of individuals living in your community.
Share your decluttering with us – yes, we want to see your mess! Just post on social media using the #ShopGoodwill hashtag.
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