The Miracle of America {Book Review}
As the election season starts up, it’s easy to get into discussions about government, history, and even the influence of our founding fathers. Many people say the U.S. is a Christian nation but are we ever taught how the Bible influenced our country’s early history? That’s what the book, The Miracle of America, hopes to change.
THE STRUGGLE FOR THE SOUL OF AMERICA Now, for the first time ever, the American Heritage Education Foundation presents a new book that explores the correlation between America’s philosophical origins and the Bible Miracle of America shows how the Bible and Judeo-Christian thought are arguably the nation’s most significant foundational root and its enduring source of strength. Professional educators and historians have praised Miracle of America as the first-ever systematic analysis of the relationship between key American political principles and Judeo-Christian ideas.
I enjoyed this book from the perspective of re-learning U.S. history but with an aspect of how our leaders were not so afraid of religion as many are now. They quoted Scripture and prayed over meetings and drew inspiration for some of our country’s documents from faith itself!
Take the U.S. Seal for example:
- “Annuit Coeptis” – He (God) has favored our undertakings
- Symbol of Glory – Represents the light of God shining down on us
- “Novus Ordo Seclorum” – New order of the ages; our nation being founded on God-given rights
Even our Pledge of Allegiance and Declaration of Independence includes God!
This book goes through American History using quotes, Scripture, historical documents and other background information to shed light on how this country was indeed founded by Christian men with every intention of making the newly established American Nation a God-fearing country.
It’s laid out into chapters moving through time from oldest to most recent, and at the end of the chapters are questions to answer, activities to complete (preferably in a small group setting) and other thought/discussion questions. There are also a few handouts and documents at the end of the book to help with the reader’s studying.
Whether you’re interested in learning more about Christianity and U.S. history, or you want to learn about our country’s founding documents and why they were written the way they were, then I’d suggest The Miracle of America by Angela Kamrath today.
With all that is going on and the up coming election I’m really interested in having this book