Wordless Wednesday
Please say it ain’t so! It is too early to be stumbling over Christmas decorations in the stores!
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Agent 54 says
I just hope I have a job at Christmas this year.
I’ve been “downsized” right before the Holidays the past 2 years.
If I get “downsized” again it would be the final straw and I would become one of the many millions living on Food Stamps and the public welfare.
Karren Haller says
I dont like seeing this, I dont know why they bother taking things down from one year to the next, sure doesnt create much excitement for me yet, not through with summer!! Thanks for stopping by today. Just pinned your post to my WW Pinterest Board. Have a great week!! @ Empowering Young Adults Wordless Wednesday
Danielle Royalegacy says
Yup, August is now the time to set out Christmas stuff to sell. Gotta make that money.
Monica says
OMG, that is so depressing…lol!!
Maria Iemma says
I have not even had my summer vacation yet!! I dislike very much the fact that Holidays are so rushed by the stores.
Rhonda @Laugh-Quotes says
Is it an all year Christmas store?
Sherryl says
No.. they have already packed up their summer items and now are selling Christmas! Let’s just skip the other specials days between now and then.
Bill says
Just a tad early but I find it bad enought when I see them in September
Terra Heck says
Oh goodness gracious! And consumers actually buy that early I wonder?!
Sherryl says
If it were a craft store that customers needed time to create or make their gifts I would say oh yeah.. but just to sell a plastic tree? Not so sure.
Celebrate Woman says
Oh, oh! Christmas decor for sale?
Sherryl says
Yes! Before school starts? What happened to Labor Day, Halloween or Thanksgiving? They don’t have anything for those holidays yet. However, you can purchase a plastic tree in ANY COLOR of your choice!